To run is an inspiration, to Ragnar is insane!

Hello and welcome to anyone coming by to share in my adventures. All I can really say is that running has helped bring new and amazing adventures into my life. Please join me on the strange and amazing journey from fat computer geek to (hopefully) svelte middle-aged running daddy.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

In the beginning. . . .

So, where to start, for beginnings are very tenuous times, or so I am told.  I guess the very beginning.  When I was in junior high, I loved to run.  I continued to run up through high school and even into college.  Then life set in, I got a job, lots of sitting at desks, slowing getting out of shape.  Then, I joined the Army and again started to do a lot of running (and marching, and hiking, and other things).  Then I commissioned as an officer and did a lot less running.  Then I got back into the civilian world and got a job in technology and did a LOT less running, and a lot more sitting.  Then, I had a little bundle of joy arrive, my little darling daughter, and at first I did not start running again,  but eventually, I committed to get into shape for her, so that some day I would be there for all the special events.  So, it is because of her that I have again embarked upon this wondrous journey of running.  I continue so I can keep getting in better shape, but also for the joy and the love of running, for the fun of the competitions and races, and because sometimes, just being all alone with your music, your thoughts, and the trail is as close as we can get to Nirvana in our day to day lives.  So, that is where it all begins. . . .

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